Tag Archive | "executives"

Consumer Watchdog Sends Issa’s Oversight Committee Google Report Showing Inappropriate Relationship With Obama Administration

Monday, January 24, 2011


Consumer Watchdog Sends Issa’s Oversight Committee Google Report Showing Inappropriate Relationship With Obama Administration

SANTA MONICA, CA -- Consumer Watchdog today sent Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) a 32-page report detailing how Google has inappropriately, benefited from its close ties to the Obama Administration, including how NASA’s Moffett Airfield, near Google’s world headquarters, has been turned into a taxpayer-subsidized private airport for Google executives used for corporate junkets.

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Google CEO Surprise: Larry Page Replacing Eric Schmidt

Friday, January 21, 2011


John Simpson, spokesman for non-profit advocacy group Consumer Watchdog, says Schmidt "has put his foot so far in his mouth, so frequently, about privacy that it got him kicked upstairs." Adds Simpson: "Larry Page stepping in as CEO is a great step, if he remembers where he came from and what the company stood for when he co-founded it."

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Consumer Watchdog Welcomes Larry Page As Google’s CEO

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Consumer Watchdog Welcomes Larry Page As Google’s CEO

SANTA MONICA, CA -- Consumer Watchdog today welcomed the announcement that Co-Founder Larry Page will become chief executive officer of the Internet giant and expressed optimism that the changes at the top mean Google will return to the values of its founders.

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Google’s CEO Switch Could Be a Risky Move

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Consumer Watchdog, an organization that has been critical of Google's privacy policies and missteps, said it welcomes the CEO change. "Eric Schmidt has put his foot in his mouth so far on key issues like privacy that he's kicked himself out of the CEO's office," said John M. Simpson, director of Consumer Watchdog's Inside Google Project, in a statement.

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What happens when you Google ‘caveman’?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


What happens when you Google ‘caveman’?

Google co-founder Larry Page’s recent purchase of an 187-foot, $45 million yacht is a classic case of “conspicuous consumption.” The term, coined by economist Thorstein Veblen, refers to “the waste of money and/or resources by people to display a higher status than others.”

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Does Greed Corrupt Google Search Quality?

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Does Greed Corrupt Google Search Quality?

Three rants about the decline for Google search quality highlight a phenomenon the better minds of Mountain View can’t afford to ignore, says culture blogger Anil Dash. Or can they?

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Former Google Lobbyist Resigns from White House

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


John Simpson of Consumer Watchdog, who has criticized McLaughlin's appointment from the start, wrote in a blog post: "It's good he's gone."

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Invading Our Privacy on the Internet

Monday, December 27, 2010


If Washington fails to act, California should create its own "do not track me" system through the Legislature or the ballot box. The state that pioneered Internet commerce can also lead the way in ensuring that it does not run roughshod over one of our fundamental rights.

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When Analysts Look Over Their Shoulders

Thursday, December 23, 2010


"We're interested in the monopolistic power that Google has, how they are using it and whether it has disadvantaged consumers," said John Simpson, a director at Consumer Watchdog.

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Google Denies Connecticut AG Street View Data

Saturday, December 18, 2010


That answer isn't satisfactory for privacy pundits such as Consumer Watchdog's John M. Simpson. "Google's refusal to give data gathered by its Street View cars from private WiFi networks to Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal underscores the need for a Congressional hearing," Simpson said. "What is Google hiding?

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