Google last week asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for permission to buy and sell electric power like…
Continue reading...6. January 2010
Google is notorious for maintaining a clutter-free, minimalist home page. It famously resisted adding a "privacy" link because adding the word would have brought the word count to 29, one more than the magic 28 words founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin insisted should be the maxim on the page.
Continue reading...5. January 2010
Google acted again Tuesday to ensure that will be a dominant player in the increasingly important mobile market. It clearly wants to avoid what happened to other tech…
Continue reading...4. January 2010
Tuesday is a big day for those trying to figure out just what Google is planning for the increasingly important mobile phone market.
The Internet giant has…
Continue reading...21. December 2009
Last Friday Google’s Christine Chen, posted an article about the Internet giant’s approach to privacy, complete with a set of 20 slides, but such efforts are nothing but empty public relations gestures until CEO Eric Schmidt demonstrates he gets it.
Continue reading...13. November 2009
Both the Democratic and Republican Senate campaign committees are holding big fundraisers — the Democrats today at Google headquarters and the Republicans on Monday and Tuesday at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, DC. Consumer Watchdog objected to the Democratic event.
Continue reading...22. October 2009
I spent all afternoon Monday waiting at the LA City Council Budget Committee to give the Council members my two minutes on why Google’s proposal to put the City’s computing into its cloud could be dangerous. In a nutshell: Security,…
Continue reading...13. September 2009
Things got busy fast this week in DC as Congress returned from the month-long summer break.
Finance committee chair Sen. Max Baucus released his long-awaited health reform proposal on Tuesday after months of closed-door meetings…
Continue reading...24. August 2009
L.A. City council is wrestling with a proposal to shift the city’s 30,000 email users and other computer applications to a system provided by Google. Anytime a deal like this is under consideration, it’s worth checking the money trail. I examined records kept by the Los Angeles Ethics Commission to see who paid what to whom.
Continue reading...18. August 2009
Internet giant Google is seeking communications personnel to get its story out to the world and counter what it calls negative press.
According to an …
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11. January 2010